Make a donation or payment to the AHCA PAC
The Arizona Health Care Association’s (AHCA) Political Action Committee (PAC) is the political component of the Arizona Health Care Association.
Tasked with supporting and promoting candidates for local and statewide, non-federal offices, the success of the AHCA PAC is directly correlated to our ability to have a positive impact on the political world and how it intersects with long-term care. To that end, the AHCA PAC closely monitors the state’s political climate and actively engages in fundraising activities to capture the necessary funds to support those candidates who support the quality long-term care that AHCA members provide.
The ultimate strength of an association is found in its members. As with the education, communication, legislative and regulatory efforts of AHCA, the AHCA PAC is member-driven and member-focused. While direct contributions and donations fund the association’s ability to participate in a meaningful way for the entire profession, the importance of direct member grassroots efforts cannot be overstated. Whether it’s through hosting a legislator for a facility visit and meet and greet, volunteering to work in a candidate phone bank, walking precincts for petition signatures or any of the myriad activities surrounding the election process, local participation is key to the development of lasting political connections individually and for the association alike.
The PAC is overseen by a committee established by the AHCA Board of Directors. There are a number of ways you can participate in the political process financially. Keep in mind that per Arizona law, PAC contributions are not tax-deductible. In addition, only personal dollars can be given to the AHCA PAC. The PAC committee directs the dollars raised by the PAC to those legislators and candidates that support long-term care in the state of Arizona. If you’d like to be on the committee or contribute to the cause, please contact Frank Caruso by email ([email protected]) or at the AHCA office (602) 265-5331.
Contributions to the Arizona Health Care Association PAC are not tax-deductible.